Serra’s Back to School Night was a success! The Serra Foundation, PTO and some of our community partners - Cal Coast Credit Union, Fleet & Family Services, FOCUS, and Navy Federal Credit Union were out greeting our families and showing their support for Serra. The Band provided the evening's musical entertainment. Delicious food was being served by many of our student clubs. It was a fun night for all involved! We’d like to thank the parents who came out on Wednesday evening to meet the teachers, counselors, and administrators who are partnering with you in your child’s education. It's a team effort and we’re looking forward to a great year with your student!
Tardies are highly disruptive to the learning process. Please make sure your student has allowed plenty of time to get to school on time. Excused tardies would include medical, dental and court appointments, etc. A doctor/dental or a court document must be presented to the attendance office in order to clear the tardy. You may fax the excused note to 858-571-3457. Unexcused tardies would include car trouble, oversleeping, traffic, power outage, etc. Thank you for understanding the importance of getting your kids to school on time.
Reminder that if you have not turned in proof of your child's Tdap vaccination, this is the last week that you may do so before the deadline. If your child has not received the Tdap as to date, there will be a FREE clinic, sponsored by the county, for any student to receive the Tdap on Tuesday September 27th from 2:30-6:00 pm here at Serra in the staff lounge in the main building. Student's must be accompanied by a parent and remember to bring your child's immunization record so that the vaccine can be recorded on it.
Free Tdap Booster Clinic for all district students in grades 7-12 at these locations:
* Wednesday September 21, 2011 12:30-5:30pm @ Bell Middle School Auditorium
* Tuesday September 27, 2011 2:30-6:00pm @ Serra High School Faculty Lounge
* Thursday September 29, 2011 2:00-6:00pm @ Henry High School Library
Parent or guardian must accompany student. First come, first serve basis. Sponsored by County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency Immunization Program.
Student Drop Off, Pick Up & Parking. For safety reasons, the roundabout in front of the 100/Admin building is closed from 7:00-7:35am and 2:00-2:30pm. Please arrange another location to drop off and pick up students. When the cones are up the entrance is closed, even if only one or two cones are up and there is room to pull your car through. When the entrance is closed do not drive in the exit driveway (the one on the left). This is very dangerous. In the last week alone, one of our counselors has almost been run over twice! All the parking spaces are reserved and a Serra Permit is required. Visit for more info.
California High School Exit Exam. Passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) is a requirement to receive a diploma in California. Students in the state of California cannot earn a high school diploma unless they have passed both parts of the California High School Exit Exam. If your Senior has not yet taken or passed the exams, they will have an opportunity to take the English exam on Tuesday, October 4th and the Math exam on Wednesday, October 5th.
If your student is from out of district and has already passed one or both of the exams, please make sure we have verification of passing (on the transcript or copy of the results letter) on file in the counseling office. For a list of all the CAHSEE dates for 10th, 11th and 12th graders visit:
Make Up Picture Day. Our September 20th Make Up Picture Day was a huge success. Reyman's photographed almost 350 students. We still have students who have missed both photo opportunities so our next Make Up Picture day is scheduled for October 11th, 2011.
Hungry? You have to eat, so why not help Serra High at the same time? We have several fundraisers coming up where all you have to do is download a flyer, go to the restaurant, order and eat. It's easy! Visit: for dates and more information.
Emergency Procedures For Parents. Do you know what to do if a school emergency or natural disaster happens while your child is in school? Where do you go? Where can you park? How can you be reunited with your child? If you unable to come to the school, who is allowed to pick up your student?
We have now posted an Emergency Procedures for Parents page on our website to answer these questions: Please take a few moments to read it so you are ready if an emergency happens.
Off-Campus Food. Please remember that no off-campus food is allowed on campus unless it's been pre-approved by Administration.
Do you know about the Family Resource Center? Thanks to a generous Department of Defense Educational Activity grant called “Operation Student Success,” the Family Resource Center was established in November 2010. The grant also provides math and technology support in the classrooms. The Resource Center is located on the Serra High School campus in Room 231 and is a place for parents and families to meet, network, gather resources, and acquire skills and training to best support their student’s academic success and well-being. It also serves as a place where students can utilize resources and attend peer and support groups.
The Center is designed to accommodate all families and has much to offer. The room can be used for various parent and student group meetings, workshops, and guest speakers. Computers in the room allow families access to online resources and the ability to email and “Skype” with family members who are away from home. There is a kid’s playroom which allows parents to bring younger siblings when they attend meetings or volunteer on campus. The Center also provides valuable resource materials to families, including academic, military, and community-based information.
The Resource Center helps connect families with the school and community, and promotes active parental involvement at school. We are fortunate to have such a place on campus for our families. Center hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 3:00pm. Stop by anytime to check it out! Questions? Contact Marie Byrd, Parent Support Liaison: or 858-496-8342 x231.
Internship Opportunity - Military Child and Youth Programs
A partnership between the Cooperative Extension System and the Department of Defense has provided the funding for a national, military childcare/youth development internship program. Through this initiative, students and recent graduates have the opportunity to develop professional skills in childcare and youth development through practical work experience with military children, youth, and families.
Interns are placed on military installations across the United States with limited opportunities for international placement and receive an hourly wage or stipend and assistance with travel expenses for their efforts. Current students may obtain academic credit for this experience if desired.
The Military Extension Internship Program is now accepting applications for the Spring 2012 Semester through September 30. Students will be notified of their application's status around November 1.
More information and application materials can be found at <>. Specific questions regarding the internships may be referred to: Amy Schott, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Internship Coordinator, at
Friday, September 23
- 6:10pm - Serra Stadium Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Saturday, September 24
- All day - NJROTC Boot Camp Challenge @ MCRD
Sunday, September 25
- All day - NJROTC Charger Game Fundraiser
Monday, September 26
Tuesday, September 27
- 2:30pm - FREE TDAP Clinic
Wednesday, September 28
- 5:00pm - Band & Flags Rehearsal
Thursday, September 29
Friday, September 30
- 8:30am - Blue Angels Presentation
Saturday, October 1
- All day - NJROTC @ Miramar Air Show
Sunday, October 2
- All day - NJROTC Charger Game Fundraiser
Friday, September 23
- 3:00pm - JV Football vs UCHS
- 6:10pm - Serra Stadium Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
- 6:30pm - Varsity Football vs UCHS
Saturday, September 24
- All day - Varsity Field Hockey Tournament
Tuesday, September 27
- 2:30pm - Women's Tennis@ Morse
- 3:00pm - Boys Water Polo vs Ramona
- 3:15pm - Varsity Field Hockey vs. Rancho Buena Vista
- 3:30pm - Varsity Girls Volleyball vs. Morse
- 4:30pm - JV & Frosh Girls Volleyball vs Morse
- 4:30pm - JV Field Hockey vs. Rancho Buena VIsta
- 5:00pm - Football Night Practice
Wednesday, September 28
- 3:00pm - Women's Tennis vs Vista
Thursday, September 29
- 2:30pm - Women's Tennis vs Mira Mesa
- 3:30pm - Boys Water Polo @ Westview
- 3:30pm - Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Patrick Henry
- 5:00pm - JV & Frosh Girls Volleyball @ Patrick Henry
Friday, September 30
- 6:30pm - Varsity Football vs St.Francis
Saturday, October 1
- 3:30pm - Girls Volleyball: Lady Cavers Tourney
Serra High loves volunteers! There are many ways to offer your time and talent as a volunteer. We encourage our parents and community members to get involved and volunteer at school. Below are a couple of opportunities we currently have at Serra:
- Help is needed in the Nurse’s Office. If you would like to assist the Nurse with filing, checking-in students, and other tasks as needed, please contact: or 858-496-8342 x231
- Military Parent Group starting soon at Serra. We are looking for a group of military parents who would be interested in meeting once a month or every other month to discuss ways on how we can work together, the school and parents, to best support our military students. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact: or 858-496-8342 x231.
Please remember that all new AND returning volunteers must have a current volunteer application and proof of a negative TB test on file with the school. Volunteer applications must be renewed every year. TB tests are valid for 4 years. Click here for TB Clinic Services and Information. It is important for the safety of our students that the proper paperwork is on file for every volunteer. Thank you for understanding the importance of this issue.
Volunteer forms are available online at: or at the school in the main office. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Marie Byrd ( or call 858-496-8342 x231) for more information about volunteering.