Dear Serra High School families,
Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! The Q Connection is Serra High’s weekly e-newsletter, sent to our families to keep them informed and connected to the school and the community.
The teachers and staff would like to thank the PTO for sponsoring their annual “Back-to-School” teachers/staff luncheon. The teachers and staff appreciated the delicious food and the warm welcome back to school!
First day of school is Tuesday, September 6th. Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest the night before and eats a good breakfast on Tuesday morning. They should come to school with a backpack and basic school supplies. Class schedules will be distributed to the students beginning at 7:00am. School begins at 7:30am and we want all students to be in their seats by 7:30am and ready to learn.
Please understand the class schedules are set. August 29th was the last day for changes.
If your student did not come to Orientation, and did not contact the school prior to the first day, they will receive their orientation packet and class schedule on Tuesday.
First day of school questions:
· Where do I get my program?
All 9th graders pick up their orange scheduled in Dear Court
All other grades go to:
A-E Stai Court(umbrellas)
F-K QCourt
L-R QHut
S-Z Gym entrance
· What if I receive a red paper instead of my program?
This means that according to our records, you have not picked up your enrollment papers. GO DIRECTLY TO THE THEATRE AT THE FIRST BELL.
· Where do I turn in the papers I forgot to bring to pre-registration?
Turn in all paperwork to the Attendance Office windows before school or at lunch.
· What if I am a new student and need to enroll?
Go to the theatre.
· What if I want to change my schedule?
Last day for changes was August 29, 2011.
· What if I have nothing in the box?
Go to the theatre.
Please note Serra High School’s dress code policy. We understand the weather will be warm the first several weeks of school but keep in mind there is a dress code policy at Serra. Students are expected to exercise good judgment, safety, good taste and modesty regarding their dress and grooming. Any clothing considered to be disruptive to the educational process is inappropriate for school.
Please review Serra’s dress code policy:
If you have any questions regarding transportation, please contact the SDUSD Transportation Department directly: 858-496-8460 or 858-496-8480. Transportation information can also be found online:
From the Nurse’s Office
Proof of Tdap required. Thank you for bringing your student’s vaccination records to the office. If you have not done so, please bring a copy to the school nurse as soon as possible. Per the new state law, all incoming 7th-12th graders must provide proof of Tdap (Whooping Cough) booster immunization before entering the 2011-12 school year. Remember, No Tdap, No School!
Medications at school. If your student needs to take medication while at school (including inhalers), they must have a doctor’s order on file in the Nurse’s office. Forms are located on the Serra website under the Health Office section, or stop by the Nurse’s office to complete the form.
From the Library
If your student did not return their textbooks last year, they will need to check with the librarian about returning them or paying fines for any lost books. Please be aware there may be a delay in getting class schedules if textbooks were not returned.
Drop-off/pick-up. Please note the front circular driveway in front of the school is closed in the mornings and afternoons. Plan to drop off and pick up your student in the side parking lots.
Tuesday, September 6
First Day of School
7:00am - Class Schedule Pick-Up
6:30pm - Foundation Meeting
Thursday, September 8
8:27am - School Rules Assembly for Seniors
7:10am - 9/11 Remembrance
NJROTC Charger Game Fundraiser
Tuesday, September 6
3:00pm - Girls Tennis vs SRHS
3:30pm - Girls Volleyball Scrim.@ Mater Dei
5:00pm - Football Night Practice
Wednesday, September 7
3:00pm - Girls Tennis vs Bonita Vista @ SW College
5:00pm - Band & Flags Rehearsal
Thursday, September 8
4:00pm - Frosh Football @ Otay Rch.
Friday, September 9
3:30pm - Varsity Girls Volleyball Tourney @ Monte Vista
4:00pm - JV Football @ Otay Ranch
7:00pm - Varsity Football @ Otay Ranch
Saturday, September 10
3:30pm - Varsity Girls Volleyball Tourney @ Monte Vista
Volunteering at Serra High School – GET INVOLVED!
Welcome back, Serra volunteers! We’re looking forward to a great year. There are many ways to offer your time and talent as a volunteer: working with the PTO, Serra Foundation, sports/music/club boosters, etc. Help will be needed throughout the school year at various events. We encourage our parents and community members to get involved and volunteer at school.
Please remember that all volunteers must have a current volunteer application and proof of a negativeTB test on file with the school. This includes anyone who has any contact with students, including those involved with booster clubs, snack bar help, and fundraising. It is extremely important for the safety of our students that the proper paperwork is on file for every volunteer. Thank you for understanding the importance of this issue.
Volunteer forms are available online at: or at the school in the main office. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Marie Byrd ( or call 858-496-8342 x231), for more information about volunteering.