We're looking forward to another progressive academic school year for your students and the school, as well as another positive experience for your kids here at SHS. Go Conquistadors!
To read more of the Principal's Message, please go to:
Rules Enforcement Began on Wednesday, September 14th. All students have attended a School Rules Assembly and as of Wednesday, all school rules will be enforced. Please review Serra’s rules/policies online:
Serra's Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21st. Activities begin at 5pm. Classroom visits start at 6:40pm. Don't miss out on this fun and informative event! Food and snacks will be available for purchase by some of our student clubs. Buses are available. Have your student come to the office to pick up a bus schedule. Check the website for the Classroom Visit Schedule. Make sure you ask your student for their schedule, so you know where to go.
Say Cheese! Picture Make-up Day is September 20th. If your student missed getting his/her picture taken during Orientation, there will be a picture make-up day on September 20th. Make sure your student comes to school looking their best that day!
Changes to Student Connection For The New School Year. Effective Friday, September 2, 2011, a change was made to StudentConnection. Students will only be able to access StudentConnection using their Active Directory (AD) username and password. This is the username and password they use to log into the Netbooks in their Math and English classes.
Check out the new Serra High School News section on the school’s homepage: There you will find all the latest school updates, news, and information. If it’s happening at Serra, you’ll find it at:!
From the Attendance Office – Concerning Blue Slips, Illnesses, and Tardies
Requests for Early Release (Blue Slips) must be submitted before 8:00 a.m. on the day of release. (Parents may phone in PRIOR to 8:00 a.m. or send a note with your student and he/she must bring it to the Attendance Office PRIOR to 8:00 a.m.) Students must pick up their Blue Slips in the Attendance Office. We do not have the resources to deliver the Blue Slips to each student’s class.
Requests for Early Release (Blue Slips) must be submitted before 8:00 a.m. on the day of release. (Parents may phone in PRIOR to 8:00 a.m. or send a note with your student and he/she must bring it to the Attendance Office PRIOR to 8:00 a.m.) Students must pick up their Blue Slips in the Attendance Office. We do not have the resources to deliver the Blue Slips to each student’s class.
Students who become ill during the school day MUST visit the Health Office for assessment prior to leaving school. If is determined that a student needs to go home, parents will be contacted and the Health Office staff will issue the Blue Slip.
Tardies are highly disruptive to the learning process. Please make sure your student has allowed plenty of time to get to school on time. Excused tardies include medical, dental, and court appointments, etc. A doctor/dental note or court document must be presented to the attendance office when your student returns to school in order to clear the tardy. You may also fax the excused note: 858-571-3457. Please note: unexcused tardies include car trouble, oversleeping, traffic, etc.
From the Nurse’s Office
Proof of Tdap required. Thank you for bringing your student’s vaccination records to the office. If you have not done so, please bring a copy to the school nurse as soon as possible. Per the new state law, all incoming 7th-12th graders must provide proof of Tdap (Whooping Cough) booster immunization before entering the 2011-12 school year. Remember, No Tdap, No School!
Medications at school. If your student needs to take medication while at school (including inhalers), they must have a doctor’s order on file in the Nurse’s office. Forms are located on the Serra website under the Health Office section, or stop by the Nurse’s office to complete the form.
Check out Serra’s latest fundraisers in the new Fundraising section of the website:
Got Lunch? Remember to turn in your free/reduced lunch application. The National School Lunch and Breakfast Program is a federally subsidized program and your child(ren) may be eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. To apply for the program, please complete the online application: Forms are also available in the main office.
Got Lunch? Remember to turn in your free/reduced lunch application. The National School Lunch and Breakfast Program is a federally subsidized program and your child(ren) may be eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. To apply for the program, please complete the online application: Forms are also available in the main office.
The Serra High Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) Wants You! The PTO is looking for a few good men and women to serve on their 2011-2012 Executive Board. A few positions are still open. Board meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Family Resource Center (Room 231). Being an active Board Member is a great way to stay informed and be involved in your child’s school! If you are interested in being a part of the PTO, contact PTO IS THE WAY TO GO!
First Dance Of The Year is this Saturday, September 17th. Don't miss out on the first dance of the year - SPACE JAM Black Light Dance! September 17, 2011 - 7:00PM to 10:00PM in the Serra Gym. Parents please remember: All students must be picked up or have left the premises no later than 10:30 PM.
A partnership between the Cooperative Extension System and the Department of Defense has provided the funding for a national, military childcare/youth development internship program. Through this initiative,
students and recent graduates have the opportunity to develop professional skills in childcare and youth development through practical work experience with military children, youth, and families.
Interns are placed on military installations across the United States with limited opportunities for international placement and receive an hourly wage or stipend and assistance with travel expenses for their efforts. Current students may obtain academic credit for this experience if desired.
The Military Extension Internship Program is now accepting applications for the Spring 2012 Semester through September 30. Students will be notified of their application's status around November 1.
More information and application materials can be found at <>. Specific questions regarding the internships may be referred to: Amy
Schott, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Internship Coordinator, at <>
Saturday, September 17
All day - NJROTC Drill Meet @ PHHS
7:00am - Rummage Sale/BAND
8:00am - APIP Student Leader Training
8:00am - Saturday School
7:00pm - Welcome Back Dance
Sunday, September 18
All day - NJROTC Charger Game Fundraiser
Monday, September 19
All day - Pink Progress Report Day
7:00pm - Senior Parent Meeting
Tuesday, September 20
All day - Make-Up Picture Day
6:30pm - PTO Meeting
Wednesday, September 21
5:00pm - Band & Flags Rehearsal
5:00-8:00pm – Open House
5:00pm - Parent Connect Sign Ups
5:00pm - Sex Education and HIV Preventions Program Materials Preview
5:15pm - ELAC Meeting
5:30pm - SSC Parent Elections
5:30pm - Title I Parent Meeting
6:00pm - Military Parents Meeting
6:20pm - Principal's Welcome
6:40pm - Classroom Visits
Thursday, September 22
Friday, September 23
Saturday, September 24
All day - NJROTC Boot Camp Challenge @ MCRD
Sunday, September 25
All day - NJROTC Charger Game Fundraiser
Saturday, September 17
All day - JV Boys Water Polo Tourney @ LJHS
All day - JV Field Hockey Tourny
3:30pm - JV/Frosh Girls Volleyball Tourney @ Monte Vista
Monday, September 19
3:00pm - Girls Tennis Picture Day
Tuesday, September 20
2:30pm - Girls Tennis vs PLHS
3:00pm - Boys Water Polo vs. Mission Bay
3:30pm - Varsity Girls Volleyball @ Mira Mesa
5:00pm - Football Night Practice
5:00pm - JV & Frosh Girls Volleyball @ Mira Mesa
6:00pm - JV Field Hockey @ Scripps
7:15pm - Varsity Field Hockey @ Scripps
Wednesday, September 21
2:30pm - Girls Tennis @ MBHS
Thursday, September 22
3:00pm - Frosh & JV Football vs UCHS
3:15pm - Varsity Field Hockey @ San Pasqual
3:30pm - Varsity Girls Volleyball vs Coronado
4:30pm - JV Field Hockey @ San Pasqual
5:00pm - JV & Frosh Girls Volleyball vs Coronado
Friday, September 23
6:30pm - Varsity Football vs UCHS
Saturday, September 24
All day - Varsity Field Hockey Tournament
Serra High loves volunteers! There are many ways to offer your time and talent as a volunteer: working with the PTO, Serra Foundation, sports/music/club boosters, etc. Help will be needed throughout the school year at various events. We encourage our parents and community members to get involved and volunteer at school.
Please remember that all new AND returning volunteers must have a current volunteer application and proof of a negative TB test on file with the school. Volunteer applications must be renewed every year. TB tests are valid for 4 years. Click here for TB Clinic Services and Information. It is important for the safety of our students that the proper paperwork is on file for every volunteer. Thank you for understanding the importance of this issue.
Volunteer forms are available online at: or at the school in the main office. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Marie Byrd ( or call 858-496-8342 x231) for more information about volunteering.