Congratulations to Serra High School teacher, Suzi Fore, recipient of the Math of America San Diego Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship! Ms. Fore was among seven math teachers countywide recently selected for the 2011 Math for America San Diego Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship program. Math for America San Diego is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving mathematics education in San Diego County public secondary schools. To read the rest of the article, go to:
It's never too late to join the Serra High School Parent–Teacher Organization (PTO). Become a member today! Memberships are gladly accepted throughout the school year. The primary purpose of the PTO is to foster relations among parents, teachers, students and administrators, and to raise funds for programs and activities that will benefit Serra High School students. Membership is open to parents, teachers and staff of Serra High School, and to anyone who would like to support the PTO's endeavors.
The Serra PTO plans teacher/staff appreciation events, supports events such as "Come to School With Your Student Day," is instrumental in the packaging and delivery of STAR testing snacks for ~1600 students/day over 8 test days, provides scholarships for graduating Seniors, and participates in campus beautification. For more information, contact:
Save the Date! The Class of '82 30-Year Reunion will be held July 27-29, 2012. All Classes Welcome!!!
The PTO Cake Auction is right around the corner! The Serra High Parent - Teacher Organization (PTO) is gearing up for the annual PTO Cake Auction on Wednesday, February 1, 2012! The event will be held at 6:00pm in the Media Center. Darryl Hall will be our auctioneer this year. Proceeds help pay for snacks during the California Standardized Testing (STAR)! This is right before the Super Bowl so start thinking of what kind of cake you would like to make. We need bakers and especially buyers!!! If you can help, please contact Mary Ann Michlanski at (858) 344-5062. Mark the date and look forward to having a great time!
The Serra PTO plans teacher/staff appreciation events, supports events such as "Come to School With Your Student Day," is instrumental in the packaging and delivery of STAR testing snacks for ~1600 students/day over 8 test days, provides scholarships for graduating Seniors, and participates in campus beautification. For more information, contact:
Save the Date! The Class of '82 30-Year Reunion will be held July 27-29, 2012. All Classes Welcome!!!
Free Electronics Recycling Event- Serra High School in conjunction with De Portola Middle School and Farb Middle School will be hosting a free Electronics Recycling Drive on January 28th at Serra High School from 10am – 4pm. All electronics will be properly recycled. Free and easy drop-off in the school parking lot. The following items will be accepted- TV’s, computers, monitors, scanners, printers, FAX, DVD, VCR, cell phones, cameras, video games and consoles, lap-tops, loose wire and cable, small appliances like toaster ovens, blenders etc. Most anything you can plug in actually. No large appliances, floor copy machines, light bulbs or batteries. For more info or to host an E-Waste Drive please see - Proceeds from the event will go to support the 3 schools and Mother Earth!
• The counselors have spoken to every student regarding a strong finish to the Fall Semester. We also reminded the students of the school rules. The eleventh graders were also given the information to sign up for the Spring SAT and ACT. Seniors were reminded NOW is the time to complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and that we have done the GPA verification for the Cal Grant for all seniors that have furnished their Social Security Number.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Upcoming Parent Nights:
- 9th Grade: March 1 at 6 pm in the Media Center
- 10th Grade: March 8 at 6 pm in the Media Center
- 11th Grade: March 22 at 6 pm in the Media Center
Scholarship Highlights for the Week (All can be found on Naviance under the Scholarship tab):
- Cox Cares Scholarship (up to $10,000)
- Hispanic Heritage Scholarship (for Juniors)
- Investment in Success Scholarship (For Seniors starting in Community College and transferring to a 4 year college.)
To all parents - If your student is transferring from Serra High School, please notify the school at least one week before the last day of attendance. At that time we will provide you with information as to what you will need for that last day. This will ensure a smoother transition for your student. Thank you.
Please be sure we have your current phone number and address on file. We have had a high volume of returned mail and want to make sure everyone is receiving important information sent out by the school. If your contact information has changed, please notify the front office as soon as possible. Thank you.
We are in need of more volunteers to ensure the success of the Serra High School Senior Exhibitions. Please consider giving a few hours of your time to support our students. The Senior Exhibition Project is a graduation requirement for all students in the San Diego Unified School District. In order to successfully complete this project, Seniors must reflect upon their accomplishments at Serra High School in front of a panel of teachers, parents, community members, and fellow students. The requirements for volunteers serving on a Senior Exhibition panel are to listen to the presentations, actively participate in the Q&A period, and score each presentation. We need volunteer panelists on the following days:
- Wed Jan 25th 12:00-3:00pm - 15 more volunteers are needed.
- Thurs Jan 26 12:00-3:00pm - 10 more volunteers are needed.
More Junior Students are also needed to serve as panelists! This is an excellent way for Juniors to support their peers and learn more about the Senior Exhibition project. If you have a Junior student who is interested in serving on a panel, they should go to Room 231 during lunch or after school to sign up. Questions? Contact Marie Byrd ( or call 858-496-8342 x231).
Monday, January 23
- All day - Pink Progress Report Day
- 5:00pm - Band-All City Honor Band Auditions
- All day - FINALS-Minimum Day/ Per.1 & 2
- 12:00pm - Senior Exhibitions
- All day - FINALS-Minimum Day/ Per.3 & 4
- 12:00pm - Senior Exhibitions
- All day - End of Fall Semester
- All day - FINALS-Minimum Day/ Per.5 & 6
- 12:00pm - Senior Exhibitions
- 7:00am - Serra Foundation E-Waste Collection Fundraiser w/ Farb & Deportola
Monday, January 23
- 3:00pm - Boys JV Bball vs Morse
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Bball @ Morse
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Soccer vs Morse
- 4:45pm - Boys Varsity Bball vs Morse
- 4:45pm - Girls Varsity Bball @ Morse
- 4:45pm - Girls Varsity Soccer vs Morse
- 6:15pm - Boys Frosh Bball @ Morse
- 3:00pm - Wrestling Meet @ Christian
- All day - Girls JV Water Polo Tourney/ LOC & TIME TBA
- All day - Girls JV Water Polo Tourney/ LOC & TIME TBA
- 3:00pm - Boys Varsity Soccer @ SRHS
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Bball vs SDHS
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Soccer vs SRHS
- 3:30pm - Boys Frosh Bball vs SDHS
- 4:45pm - Boys JV Bball vs SDHS
- 5:00pm - Boys JV Soccer vs SRHS
- 5:00pm - Girls Varsity Soccer @ SRHS
- 6:00pm - Girls Varsity Bball vs SDHS
- 7:30pm - Boys Varsity Bball vs SDHS
- All day - Girls JV Water Polo Tourney/ LOC & TIME TBA
- 3:00pm - Boys Frosh Bball @ El Cajon Valley
- 5:00pm - Boys JV Bball @ El Cajon
- 7:00pm - Boys Varsity Bball @ El Cajon