Have a great weekend, Serra Families! School is closed on Monday, January 16th in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. See you back on Tuesday, January 17th.
The PTO Cake Auction is right around the corner! The Serra High Parent - Teacher Organization (PTO) is gearing up for the annual PTO Cake Auction on Wednesday, February 1, 2012! The event will be held at 6:00pm in the Media Center. Darryl Hall will be our auctioneer this year. Proceeds help pay for snacks during the California Standardized Testing (STAR)! This is right before the Super Bowl so start thinking of what kind of cake you would like to make. We need bakers and especially buyers!!! If you can help, please contact Mary Ann Michlanski at (858) 344-5062. Mark the date and look forward to having a great time!
GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) and AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Parent Coffee Morning Update. I would like to thank all the parents who attended our Parent Coffee Morning this morning, Friday January 13th. We were able to relay important information regarding articulation, grades and college preparation in a very personal setting. I was happy to meet and discuss in detail ways in which to support your student at Serra, as well as hear your personal concerns about your student. The GEAR UP program seeks to support our 9th & 10th grade students prepare for college by providing tutors inside the classroom, during lunch, and after school. We also purchase supplies for your students’ classrooms such as novels, library books, software, and other supplies. As a program we love to meet with parents and support them in their efforts to help their student be college ready. If you missed our meeting and would like more information or would like to discuss your student’s progress feel free to contact me: (858) 496-8342 ext. 258. I am happy to meet with you! -Clarissa Padilla
Please come to the next Serra High Military Parent Meeting on Wednesday, January 17th at 9:30am in the Family Resource Center, Room 231. This meeting is geared toward military families but all are welcome to attend. Come to the meeting to find out how you can be a part of making POSITIVE CHANGE in the community. For more information: mbyrd@sandi.net
Distinguished Lecture Series Information. The 2011/2012 Distinguished Lectures Series brings experts from all over the United States, in the field of gifted and talented education, to the San Diego Unified School district to share with parents and educators the latest in research and classroom practice for gifted students. These stimulating professional development opportunities meet the California GATE standards for GATE education. For more information: http://www.sandi.net/page/1066
• Since returning from Winter Break, the counselors has spoken to every student regarding a strong finish to the Fall Semester. We also reminded the students of the school rules. The eleventh graders were also given the information to sign up for the Spring SAT and ACT. Seniors were reminded NOW is the time to do their FAFSA and that we have done the GPA verification for the Cal Grant for all seniors that have furnished their Social Security Number.
Upcoming Parent Nights: 9th Grade: March 1 at 6 pm in the Media Center
10th Grade: March 8 at 6 pm in the Media Center
11th Grade: March 22 at 6 pm in the Media Center
• Naviance (www.connection.naviance.com/serra) is a web-based service designed especially for students and parents. Family Connection is a comprehensive website that you can use to help in making decisions about colleges, careers and courses, meanwhile tracking academic progress as you aspire to post secondary education options. It is especially useful in searching for Scholarships! To log in students simply use their Student Connect log in number and password. Parents will be able to get their code from Ms. Turnberg by emailing their request to mturnberg@sandi.net.
Scholarship Highlights for the Week (All can be found on Naviance under the Scholarship tab):
- AMS Industry Minority Scholarship
- Atsuhiko Tateuchi Memorial Scholarship for Asian ancestry (renewable for 4 years)
- Labor Alliance Scholarship (renewable for 4 years)
- Rewarding College Dreams $1,000-$2,000
• The new College Center in Room 401 is open! Students are encouraged to stop by on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during Advisory and lunch. Through January, a counselor is in the room during Advisory and lunch to talk about college applications, help with FAFSA, common app and other relevant college application questions. Beginning in January, after seniors finish their applications, the focus will be on SAT and AP prep for seniors, juniors and sophomores. Questions? Contact your student’s counselor.
Students who become ill during the school day MUST visit the Health Office for assessment. If it is determined that a student needs to go home, parents will be contacted and the Health Office staff will issue the Blue Slip.
Tardies are highly disruptive to the learning process. Please make sure your student has allowed plenty of time to get to school on time. Excused tardies would include medical, dental and court appointments, etc. A doctor/dental or a court document must be presented to the attendance office in order to clear the tardy. You may fax the excused note to: 858-571-3457. Unexcused tardies would include car trouble, oversleeping, traffic, power outage, parent’s fault, etc.
We are in need of more volunteers to ensure the success of the Serra High School Senior Exhibitions. Please consider giving a few hours of your time to support our students.
The Senior Exhibition Project is a graduation requirement for all students in the San Diego Unified School District. In order to successfully complete this project, Seniors must reflect upon their accomplishments at Serra High School in front of a panel of teachers, parents, community members, and fellow students. The requirements for volunteers serving on a Senior Exhibition panel are to listen to the presentations, actively participate in the Q&A period, and score each presentation.
We need volunteer panelists on the following days:
- Wed Jan 25th 12:00-3:00pm Approximately 20 more volunteers are needed.
- Thurs Jan 26 12:00-3:00pm Approximately 20 more volunteers are needed.
- Friday Jan 27 12:00-3:00pm (Make-up Session) Approximately 2-3 more volunteers are needed.
Sign up to serve on a Senior Exhibition panel by clicking on the following link: http://serrahighnews.blogspot.com/2011/12/be-senior-exhibition-panelist.html or contact Marie Byrd (mbyrd@sandi.net -or- 858-496-8342 x231).
More Junior Students are also needed to serve as panelists! Each Senior Exhibition panel consists of teachers, parents/community members, and students. This is an excellent way for Juniors to support their peers and learn more about the Senior Exhibition project. If you have a Junior student who is interested in serving on a panel, they should go to Room 231 next week during lunch or after school to sign up. Questions? Contact Marie Byrd (mbyrd@sandi.net or call 858-496-8342 x231).
BOYS' TENNIS: If your student is interested in Boy's Tennis, he is invited to attend a pre-season meeting on Wednesday, January 18 at lunch at the tennis courts. Tell him to come and be part of a winning team!
Serra Launches The First Student to Student Council Day
SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- The Navy School and Marine Corps Liaisons hosted the first Student-2-Student (S2S) Council Day at Serra High School's Media Center Jan. 7 to share ideas on how to welcome incoming students making a transition midyear.
To read the rest of the article, go to: http://serrahighnews.blogspot.com/2012/01/serra-launches-first-student-to-student.html
Free Electronics Recycling Event- Serra High School in conjunction with De Portola Middle School and Farb Middle School will be hosting a free Electronics Recycling Drive on January 28th at Serra High School from 10am – 4pm. All electronics will be properly recycled. Free and easy Drop-off in the school parking lot. The following items will be accepted- TV’s, computers, monitors, scanners, printers, FAX, DVD, VCR, cell phones, cameras, video games and consoles, lap-tops, loose wire and cable, small appliances like toaster ovens, blenders etc. Most anything you can plug in actually. No large appliances, floor copy machines, light bulbs or batteries. For more info or to host an E-Waste Drive please see - www.ewastegreen.com. Proceeds from the event will go to support the 3 schools and Mother Earth!
Friday, January 13
- 7:30am – Parent Coffee, hosted by Gaining Early Awareness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) and Advanced Via Individual Determination (AVID) program
Monday, January 16
- Martin Luther King Jr Day- Observed Holiday - No School
- All day - NJROTC @ MLK Parade
Tuesday, January 17
- 6:30pm - Football Parent Meeting
- 6:30pm - PTO Meeting
- 7:00pm - Senior Booster Meeting
Friday, January 20
- 7:30am - GEAR-UP/AVID Presentation
- 5:30pm - Senior Class Movie Night
Saturday, January 21
- All day - NJROTC Drill Meet @ Ramona
- 8:00am - Ladies of Science Field
Friday, January 13
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Bball @ PHHS
- 3:00pm - Boys JV Soccer vs Coronado
- 4:45pm - Boys JV Bball vs PHHS
- 6:00pm - Girls Varsity Bball @ PHHS
- 6:30pm - Boys Varsity Soccer @ Coronado
- 7:30pm - Boys Varsity Bball @ PHHS
Saturday, January 14
- 9:00am - Wrestling Varsity Tourney @ Mater Dei
- 2:45pm - Boys JV Bball vs Otay Rch.
- 3:00pm - Girls Varsity Bball vs King @ Horizon
- 7:00pm - Boys Varsity Bball vs Canyon Crest
Monday, January 16
- All day - Martin Luther King Jr Day- No School
Tuesday, January 17
- 3:00pm - Girls Var/JV Water Polo vs SRHS @ Tierrasanta
- 4:00pm - Girls JV Soccer vs PHHS
- 6:00pm - Girls Varsity Soccer vs PHHS
Wednesday, January 18
- 3:00pm - Boys JV Soccer vs PHHS
- 3:00pm - Boys Varsity Soccer @ PHHS
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Bball @ LJCD
- 3:00pm - Wrestling Meet @ Lincoln
- 6:00pm - Girls Varsity Bball @ LJCD
Thursday, January 19
- 3:00pm - Girls Var/JV/Nov Water Polo vs UCHS @ JCCLJ
- 3:30pm - Girls JV Soccer vs Hoover
- 5:30pm - Girls Varsity Soccer vs Hoover
Friday, January 20
- 3:00pm - Boys JV Soccer vs Hoover
- 3:00pm - Girls JV Bball @ MMHS
- 4:00pm - Boys Frosh Bball @ MMHS
- 4:45pm - Boys JV Bball vs MMHS
- 5:00pm - Boys Varsity Soccer vs Hoover
- 6:00pm - Girls Varsity Bball @ MMHS
- 7:30pm - Boys Varsity Bball @ MMHS
Saturday, January 21
- 9:00am - Wrestling JV Invite @ Mt.Miguel
Sunday, January 22
- 9:00am - U18 Youth Field Hockey Training